Gardens of light are better than gardens of darkness, rows of nourishment better than sloughs of toxicity. How much nicer to turn the deep and living soil, watch it gleam in the sunlight, alive with tomorrow, than to foster shadows of past illusion... When you till your garden you till yourself; when you seed the earth, you grow; when you nurture life, you live the more.
When at the end of the day I looked upon the result, at those straight, dark, rich, seeded rows, at what I had shaped with my hands, my tools and the work of the earth, rows that soon enough would bear little green flags of hope, that in their time would grow to food, I had never been riled at all, it was just a useless imagining back there, spent in a dream from which I'd awakened some time ago.
If you're upset, plant something.
Or create something if you can't plant.
so smart...grow
wow WOW WoW . . .
so true so honest so elegant
so impartial so beyond the stains and pains of what school systems broadcast versus what is received . . .
how wonderful to know that lacquer can be removed by sudden friction to reveal our vulnerable now or slowly and surely by a patina envoking stream of time lived fully and beyond the next station . . .
thank you to the cosmic radio's insight and inspiration the writer's soul tunes into and is fiercely faithful to
these words have the power to change worlds within and without!
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