They even seemed a bit playful with each other, like newborn animals are. Watching them, I felt that feeling I get when watching kittens. Soon even the curled-up leaves of last year had joined in dancing to the wind; now that the snow was gone and the wind warming, it was party time. I was just a tourist, watching those local old-timers swirling in the air above the road, kicking up as though they were green again, not even touching the ground, like a bunch of human village dancers back in the day when villages danced like that in spring, whirling giddily, getting high, celebrating the newcoming...
Not long after that, as I was working in the garden tilling for a half-row of Inca potatoes - which look interesting ("Inca-no-hitomi is a diploid potato variety known for its yellowish-orange flesh, very high carotenoid content and chestnut-like nutty flavor" pdf link) - (only half a row 'cause I have to spread what's left of last year's compost pile before I can start tilling the other half) I looked up at the sky for an eye break and there, up in the gradual blue was the white crown of Mount Fuji - higher than the actual mountain - precisely created out of a bit of thick cloud floating by, the shading of the lower sky shaping the blue mountain itself in my mind's eye, the sky-Fuji slowly drifting toward the southeast where after a few moments it merged with a series of cloud dunes.
You really gotta watch it, there are performances everywhere.
Your description of the leaves dancing lend themselves to a haiku ??
After walking last year I had a few days R&R at Hakone - enshrouded in mist - which in itself was magical. On the last morning Fuji poked her head out as a parting gift.
The sky is the daily bread of the eyes. -- Emerson
. . . and the meat and drink and certainly dessert! Yum!
Hi Bob
I read your Nara post and agree it is a beautifully restored town not too disneyfied. I found Magome heading that way. We spent a night in Nara and found a lovely cafe serving real coffee - oh happy days!!!
Very interesting...
So true...
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