Thursday, October 01, 2009


The sound of the rain as it falls on the forest around the house at night is like the big whisper of a shoreless ocean, the heartbeat of the sky, a rhythmic symphony wafting through the open window as the water cascades in waves that fall on the reach of the trees. Clearly they are ancient familiars.

I who am new to the big family lie half asleep in the night by the window, washed over by the long sound of the falling water as it whispers old secrets to leaves, rocks, grasses and soft earth, uncountable droplets resolving their long journey from high inside clouds lit up by occasional lightning, that captures in its shock to my darkened eye the whole gigantic affair happening up there, the darker darkness closing then around the vision captured, to take with me on a soul's dream journey through the silvery music that fills the darkness, as I rise into the sky...


Shirley Sunman said...

yes, i miss the rain. nothing replaces the sounds of raindrops on a tin roof.

Robert Brady said...

Best way to sleep, to the lullaby of rain...