These recent days and days of rainfall laugh at such feeble human artifices as raingutters, roadways and riverbanks, to say nothing of gardens I don't even want to look at my baby spinach or squash leaves, those American squashes are just not used to this they keep looking up to the sky with those big green friendly leaves expecting gentle caresses of sunshine, but instead keep getting hammered with this relentless rainsledge, I guess by now they must have figured out they're in Japan without visas, I can see the surviving leaves nodding to each other as they try to avoid the specifics of the pounding downpour; they must have learned from the native plants that this is rainy season, but still.
The rain quieted in the morning to the peaceful whisper of a standard rain, but that doesn't fool me any more than it does the riverbanks.
Stay dry! Although we sure could use some of that rain here in Vegas....
yes it's been a bit wet recently...gardens are in despair across portions of the nation, mine included (though it was soily-challenged from the beginning)...come on sun
Isn't it near time for the rainy season to end? I remember being good and ready for it to when I was there.
Strangely, yesterday it poured so hard here in Nova Scotia that I was telling my students it reminded me of Japan - the same bone-drenching curtain. The difference, of course, is that today we have glorious sun, and that's my hope for you, so I'm sending a few sun-day wishes your way.
Sun? You have sun in Nova Scotia? Where'd you get that? My vegetables are writing their wills.
Wow! That waterfall is beautiful. It is an stunning beauty of our nature. I hope that they are taking good care in that amazing waterfall. It is so gorgeous.
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