Friday, December 21, 2012


“The main concern addressed was whether the genetically engineered salmon could escape and establish themselves in the wild, with detrimental environmental consequences. The larger salmon, for instance, could conceivably outcompete wild Atlantic salmon for food or mates. The agency said the chance this would happen was ‘extremely remote.’ It said the salmon would be raised in inland tanks with multiple barriers to escape. Even if some fish did escape, the nearby bodies of water would be too hot or salty for their survival. And reproduction would be unlikely because the fish would be sterilized, though the sterilization technique is not foolproof.” Damn, I guess they're right; I don't see a flaw in their reasoning, not even a loophole the size of a salmon/eel gene switch. It's as safe and sure a thing as so many other government promises. Maybe even better than those decades of Fukushima reactor assurances, starting back in the 1970s and going on until March of last year, when they somehow turned into actual lies. Odds must be, jeez, like one in-- some other number! And growth hormone year round, too! What could go wrong there? Wonder what kind of labfood they're fed in those tanks. Unevolved, human-made and bred fish naturally aren't very smart. I suppose these would have to taste pretty close to salmon. But most folks won't know what they're eating. 


Tabor said...

As long as it is labeled then people can make choices. I, one time long ago, worked with scientists that worked on this. It tends to be more rushing the genetic evolutionary process rather than weird science. If it is the same project, it is protein manipulation and not chemicals or hormones. The other choice is killing and eating all the wild stock, really. It IS hard to convince purists.

Sandy Miller said...

just want to know what I'm eating and wish we would stop tinkering with this stuff.......
If history really does repeat itself and we are putting stock in the government, we are screwed. Again.......

Party Pizzazz said...

This was great tto read