Sunday, April 20, 2003


spring rain -
many small voices
one big roar

Couple of times today went out into the torrent, the Rashomon rain, to check on things like rain-hammered tulips, narcissi and daffodils, mushroom buds and onion sets; several of the farm ladies out gathering sansai despite the rain, specifically today warabi (bracken fern: Pteridium aquilinum). (They got to all the fukinoto and taranome before me.) I had to pause at length to look at the energetic St. John's Wort, being surprised at how well it and the rain understand each other, clearly for a very long time, the Wort keeping a drop of its old friend close at the tip of each leaf, the silvery beads clearly content to remain there, quite unlike rain's general behavior on, for example, my head.

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