Saturday, September 23, 2006


Today is officially Shubun-no-hi, the autumnal equinox (also called O-higan or simply higan), brought first to mind for me (as usual) by earlier swathes of crimson higanbana (lit.: autumnal equinox flower; cluster amaryllis; spider lily) rising here and there on straight jade stems along the downmountain roadside (I saw the first one there 3 days ago; today they're blooming in my garden, 500 meters upmountain from there), and in cloudy red patches of eye-catching brushstrokes placed in random genius along the slopes of the just-shorn rice paddies, making the entire scene an astonishing work of art far bigger than the Louvre... But I never knew there were also white higanbana...

Such are the small but deep rewards of living just another day.


Joy Des Jardins said...

So beautiful...thanks Robert.

Maya's Granny said...

They are lovely flowers. I'm so glad you posted them.