Tuesday, September 19, 2006


"What does 'outrages upon human dignity mean?"'

If an apparently stable adult asked you that question in all seriousness, what would you think?

In fact, the question was asked recently by the President of the United States, during a press conference: "This debate is occurring because of the Supreme Court's ruling that said that we must conduct ourselves under the Common Article III of the Geneva Convention. And that Common Article III says that there will be no outrages upon human dignity. It's very vague. What does that mean, 'outrages upon human dignity'"?

I should think that the phrase would be perfectly clear to any emotionally capable adult who holds public office, but I have a dictionary, which defines an "outrage" as "an act of wanton violence; any gross violations of law or decency..." I'm not sure why that should be a problem for America's highest official, the phrase hasn't been a problem for any of the signatories to the Geneva Convention for over 40 years now; I think most of us would know when we were crossing that line.

So if he's got "outrage" clear in his head, then I really hope it's the preposition that's got him stumped, because I shudder to think that a sitting president of the world's only remaining superpower is having trouble grasping the meaning of "human dignity."



Anonymous said...

Every day there's something new that somehow seems worse than before, and it feels impossible, yet isn't.

So sad for us and the rest.

Anonymous said...

I watched MSNBC last evening while at work. Keith Oberlin said it best. The president owes us an apology. In a news conference, he clearly stated that it was unacceptable for people to think that there is any comparison of what he; or the government is doing is anything like the terrorist people of Iraq, who have raped and killed their innocent people in the streets. Keith Oberlin emphasized President Bush saying, "unacceptable for people to think". If a president of the "free" world can stand in front of everyone and tell us all that it is "unacceptable for us to think", then, what on this earth is next? How dare he insist that I don't think?

Anonymous said...

He seems to have problems with much of our language. Where are his advisors and speech scribes? Does he not listen to them either? He must heed only the demented voices in his own head, and that is scary...

While "outrage" would completely stump him, he also has no concept of "human dignity". In his distorted warped view of the world, anyone who is not with him 100% is somewhat less than human and therefore not deserving of treatment with dignity or even legality.

Maya's Granny said...

He speaks like what he is -- a sociopath. He doesn't get it because he doesn't have the equipment to get it. Empathy is part of what he lacks, and responsibility as well. I'm not certain he doesn't lack some gland or other thing found in all brains above the level of flea, as well.

Shouldn't insult the flea.

Anonymous said...

I can barely stand to listen to him. He makes me want to cry or throw a brick at the TV or both.

Robert Brady said...

My satellite tv isn't operative till the leaves fall, so I'm spared that pain until autumn, when I'll have to keep all bricks out of immediate reach.

Tabor said...

I heard this speech and kept thinking that I had been drinking too much wine or was really dozing and only half listening. It was me...not him that was out of sync. But, no, I am not so lucky.