Monday, November 02, 2009


I love these autumny days of hingy weather when the sky puts on one cloud show after another, the whole big blue going all cumulo for a while, then getting horsetaily, then grayloomy then puffy again, and darkling as the winds rise and the rains go wild for a bit until the rainbow contests, when the leaves join in and start showing off too, all afternoon toward evening when the weather gets really ditzy, doesn't know which way to turn because its just so interesting being weather, you can do so much with heat and cold, watch this!, wind and calm, see that? rain and sun, whoa! which will it be, right to the minute so the wind is blowing now but it stopped raining - no wait, there's another rainbow - then it rains and is cloudy but no sunny and warm now cold and windy but calm at the moment and so on all the way into darkness but the sky doesn't sleep of course, for the sky it's 24 hours a day for eons


joared said...

What striking visual pictures your words create -- and pure poetry, too.

Tabor said...

I just created a post on my Room Without blog about one of the fall cool fronts that came threw last week. It was so dramatic Ihad to go down to the river and watch.

Shirley Sunman said...

i'm wondering how cold it gets in december in japan? and does the wind blow?

Mary Lou said...

Wow! So picturesque! I LOVE the weather. I should have been a Meteorologist!

Mage said...

Oh, you leave me smiling.