Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Heard the first warbler this sunny so-called winter morning, never used to hear warblers around here in January till a couple years ago... The first warbler used break the silence with that liquid honeysound sometime in February, when the uplands were beginning to clear of snow. Snow?

This warblerfellow was singing like he was in Miami or something, probably wearing shorts and an aloha shirt. I expect some pink flamingos might be migrating this way if this weather keeps up, though as some folks maintain, this warmth isn't really warming per se; nor, as others hold, is it global in reach.

Folks do love to debate things don't they, when they have time and the weather is good. All that hot air could be seriously affecting the environment though, adding to whatever problems there already are. Not that I mind from where I am, since I have a warbler doing the opposite of complaining in my vicinity, so it's hard for me to complain, if a complaint should ever happen to come to mind while a warbler is performing.

An enthusiastic warbler is infinitely better than whatever the opposite is.


Anonymous said...

On the Popularity of Complaining...

I think it may be partially my mothers fault, she used to chronically mumble, "The sqeaky wheel gets the oil."

Or my former Union, that used to promote never-ending whining, he who "grieves" the most (as in greivance), eats better in the end.

Personally, I can't see the benefit to the complainer, nor the captive audience, but there sure does appear to be an epidemic.

My simple remedy is, If you see something that needs to be done, do it. It really works!

Thoughts while patiently waiting for the sound of the first summer robin......


Anu said...

Absolutely correct!

Robert Brady said...

Joni-- That simple remedy, if judiciously applied, would cure so much that is ill with the world...