Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Yesterday I emailed Kasumi saying since Tatsuya isn't working and the kids aren't in school why not come here and wait it out, make further decisions together, we have food backup etc. I can meet you somewhere with gasoline...

Kasumi family has only a half tank of gas, roads broken and crowded, so as it is, if they could find a navigable way out they'd run out of fuel in the vehicular jam before they could get far, so I offered to drive toward them with cans of gas from here... shops even around here, far south of Tokyo, are running out of essentials as folks anticipate... this am we’re going to make a run for some essential backups, though we’ve been ahead of the game for years now, using kerosene lanterns, woodstove etc.

Six reactors now problematic, say the reassuring heads.... not to worry, just don't go outside or breathe too much... pay no attention to the frantic activities behind the radioactive curtain... we were on lunch break... the plug didn’t fit... the generators ran out of gas... the reactor coolers ran on electricity and the weren’t generating electricity, how could we have foreseen that in all our tons of plans on paper, so we got some more generators... we have a big plan... we’ve always had a big plan... astonishing, when all is revealed...

Once again Japan is the world’s canary in the coal mine...

Cryptic txt note from Kasumi last night: “WE FOUND A POSSIBLE ROUTE”, apparently by bus? or train? to Tokyo, then Shinkansen to Kyoto... no details... emailed back, waiting...

Thank you all again for your emotional support... will keep you posted asap...
Love to all...


"They are the faceless 50, the unnamed operators who stayed behind. They have volunteered, or been assigned, to pump seawater on dangerously exposed nuclear fuel, already thought to be partly melting and spewing radioactive material, to prevent full meltdowns that could throw thousands of tons of radioactive dust high into the air and imperil millions of their compatriots." 


Strong winds last night from north, not good; today colder with snow, gentle wind from southwest, good.

Got in touch with Kasumi later this morning, she said they're thinking about delaying the departure because one of the girls has a fever; Tatsuya thinking of not coming south because he has to be ready to go to work when the company notifies him. He doesn't think it's going to be too serious but the girls should leave just in case; it's a bus-local train-another local train kind of route they figured out might work, I can't picture that, carrying so little with them, Kasumi doesn't want to take the van and run out of gas in the middle of nowhere, doesn't trust the roads or access to needfuls along the way anyway, and how would I find them, me without a cell phone...(!) Tatsuya will go with them via their route to Tokyo and then return to their apartment at least till further decision, when he solo could move quickly...  I told her to argue with him, so I suppose she is... he could get back there quickly enough from here... six reactors now problematic, it appears, fewer and fewer reactor buildings left standing, in charge of The Faceless 50... 

Another 6.0 quake up there around noon today... 
Snowing hard now; have to go out and buy supplies...  more later, w/time and energy... 


Got back from our foray to find a message from Kasumi, she’s been trying but can’t get a place on any buses heading out, likely all booked up for quite a while... no surprise there... I have the feeling we’ll eventually have to go get her and the girls somehow...

Shoulda said 'have to go out and try to buy supplies'... At the various country shops things are sold out completely like flashlights,batteries, buckets, water containers, masks, gas bombes, cooking stoves, tarps, certain tools, the list goes on, but don’t bother, there aren’t any. Oh. My mistake; there was one tiny flashlight left, for 50$. Asked if the big farm store will be getting some of all the other stuff soon: “No telling when; they’re all being shipped north.”

We did get some stuff though, in case the electricity goes, like a big steel pot to put atop the woodstove for hot water... harks me back to the days of living in rural Spain with no utilities (where Kasumi was born; that picture in the sidebar is us in Spain, her at the age of 3 days and I somewhat older). 

This will be just like old times... only hold the radiation, please...

Lotta snow tonight; hope those good folks up north have at least found warm places in the dark...


karensella said...

May you all be reunited as swiftly and safely as possible... and may the world's canary sing its return to clean air and sunshine. Much love and light.

Mary Lou said...

That was a truely smart idea! Echo will rest easier now. Hope it does not take too long to get there. Hopefully by morning you will have Kaya and the m&m's in bed with you jumping all over you.

J said...

I sure hope they're with you and everyone safe SOON. You're in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Been watching/reading all the news I can get my hands on, but you made it real for me, as you always do. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Japanese by marriage and in spirit,

Rob said...

Sending good thoughts and energy to you and all of the affected parts. I hope things are brought under control swiftly and that some semblance of normalcy is restored soon.

Chancy said...

May you all be reunited soon.

jaykaym said...

We are awaiting their safe arrival along with you. Namaste.

Tracy's Pointe said...

Oh I have been hoping that you can be reunited with your child and grandchildren. My heart is heavy that you are not together. My prayers are that it will be very soon that you are all together in your safer haven....

Cynthia Shearer said...

Let us know any ways we can help. Hope the logistics of getting them all to you gets simpler. You are all very much in our thoughts, very much.

Elsa Louise said...

Absolutely riveting accounts. Please keep writing as you are able to do so. Best of luck, as everyone has said, in reuniting your family. You all will rest more easily once that is achieved.

annie said...

That there may be an alternate way is wonderful news. It seems so frustrating to surmount one hurdle, only to be greeted by another...could go, no gas, get gas, roads jammed.

Everyone wants them with you so badly...can only imagine how much it will mean to you.

Thoughts and prayers are with you.

Kalei's Best Friend said...

i hope she can get him to join in numbers... glad u can update safe...((HUGS))

Hattie said...

Linking from Joarad. I think it is a crime that you have been subjected to the nuclear energy experiment. It's apt to refer to the Japanese as the canaries in the coal mine. I also know there has been plenty of dissent about this matter in Japan, but the press is trying to make Japanese look like good little automatons, model victims. Disgusting.

Tabor said...

So many heroes emerge in these disasters and many we will never read about. The Japanese have handled this with such dignity and bravery, setting an example for us all. Hoping you all will be calmly settled on the side of the mountain waiting for spring soon.

joared said...

Hope your family is able to be with you soon, that your SIL will come with them. Challenging times for all. Difficult to have an ill child during all this but trust she'll recover quickly. Continued positive thoughts coming your way across the ocean.

Val said...

Thank you for continuing to tell your story. It seems strange to look at our calm English sea yesterday, and be confident it wont turn our lives upside-down. All best vibes that things turn out well in this extraordinary chapter of your lives,

Anonymous said...

Eco, Bob, Kasumi:

Espero que esta pesadilla pase pronto.
Mi corazón está con vosotros.

Carmen (desde Ibiza)

bob said...

Wishing you all strength and good fortune amid the chaos.

It reminds me a little of when everyone in Houston, Texas was told to evacuate in the face of a coming hurricane, all at the same time, in the blistering summer heat. The superhighways became parking lots, no gas, no supplies available and, most important, no water. They were built to hold a lot of traffic, but not 4 million cars all aiming in the same direction at once.

I know I'm not imparting anything you haven't already thought of, but if you make the run toward Kasumi, take plenty of water...

Joy Des Jardins said...

I know you and Echo would feel much better with Kasumi and the clan back with you....I think it's a great idea. It seems there are new challenges with each new day...and now this nuclear energy mess. I pray you all stay safe and strong. You are in my thoughts and my heart Bob... ~Joy

Carmen said...

Queridos Eco, Bob y mi pequeña Kasumi,

Espero que muy pronto podáis estar todos juntos y felices. Muchos besos de vuestra amiga, pintora en Ibiza de los setenta, Carmen

Mage said...

Our TV shows snow and more evacuations. The talking heads moved to Tokyo, the same film loops of explosions. The same words over and over. From this blog, not only are we getting the thoughts of an upset father and grandpa, but we know what's happening thanks to you.

Our thoughts continue with you and yours.