Saturday, December 28, 2013



Deb said...


Like your "Simple Vegetarian Recipes" this is a post of zen-like simplicity.

I am enlightened (or perhaps confused). Please post instructions on how to differentiate between the two states. Sort of a Schrodinger's Cat post.

Robert Brady said...

Yes, Deb, through this asyllabic haiku, this worldess koan, I trust the enlightened reader to perceive the semantic vastness of all that is unwritten-- the infinite sea of meaning, in which all that has been written is but a droplet.
Conversely, my aim is to reveal TLDR as the progressive rejection of sapience, the elective retrogression toward nothingness that it truly is...
Plus it really was too long to write.

Robert Brady said...

Also, will get to work on those instructions; should take a while...