Monday, March 17, 2003



I saw the sun for a split second this morning, and I've got the stats to prove it. I work in an office 3 days a week. Taking the past month as a statistical sample, that gives 16 days off and 12 days on. On the 4 Saturdays off, the weather was: rain, rain, rain and rain. On the 4 Sundays off: rain, rain, snow and rain. On the 4 Mondays off: rain, rain, rain and rain. On the 4 Wednesdays off: rain, rain, snow and rain. Of the 12 days on, 1 was rainy, 1 light snow, 3 partly cloudy and 7 were gorgeous clear sunny blue days like they make in heaven, as I verified repeatedly from my hermetically sealed office window. These odds are phenomenal-- as even a strictly non-statistical individual like myself will readily acknowledge-- and violate every known and unknown law of probability in the universe, even moreso than Bush's election. I am writing this, and will post it, on a rainy Monday. Tomorrow, off the to the office in a blaze of sunlight from a blue sky bigger than the world. Then I'm off to a heavily rainy Vegas to make my fortune.
[Addendum: Some hours after I posted this, a bright round golden object appeared in the sky and shone bright warm light upon the land hereabouts. A series of further tests identified it as the sun. I rushed outside and got a couple of hours of gardening in. It pays to complain. RB]

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