Tuesday, July 18, 2006


The images intensify: a chewed-up little pink toothbrush on the kitchen floor, a face-down teddy bear on the way to the bathroom, an elephant under the table, two or three crumpled playing cards randomly arranged, four boots at large distances from each other, a big box with a little white stuffed dog in it, tiny handprints all over the tv screen... like that tremoring water in the cup on the dashboard in Jurassic Park... The KMM triumvirate is approaching...

There is a big lesson here - a lesson approximately the size of the cosmos - that by giving us children when we're old enough and grandchildren when we're older enough, the universe is saying: Hey guys, let's not forget where we came from huh? Honor your ancestry! And that includes yourself.

So stay in harmony with the universe by giving chaos an honored place in your life: let me know when you're available for babysitting.


Tabor said...

At a moments notice...just call.

Joy Des Jardins said...

Ohhhhh, they're coming!!!!! You lucky, lucky guy!! Have you been storing up your energy? I started to peter-out after day 6, but hey, you're in better shape than me. I can't wait to read about your adventures with that beautiful triumvirate....hugs all around Robert. Yes, the universe is VERY wise; and chaos can be so wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Time for the cape and tights...and to brace yourself! Then...pure joy.

Anonymous said...

The ladies seem quite willing to assist. Not me, mate. Been there, done that. The ladies will do a great job. Joy is actually quite good at it, having recent experience and all. Gotta run now...

Robert Brady said...

Thank you all, kind folks; I'll do my best, in the time allowed between my costume changes, to keep you up to date re ongoing invasion details. Keep an eye on the sky; I'll flash the Super-G signal, if assistance is needed.