Thursday, November 09, 2006


How sweet it is, on an autumn day as clear as a baby's eyes, to be out there working with oak logs in the cool of the afternoon, following like a hungry scholar the noble nature of this wood that is the very heft and fragrance of integrity, savoring the sound like tiny crackling flames when at last the sections split into two, four, eight and then the music of oak when the splits are stacked like ingots of cloudy gold, how rich they look, how rich I feel, how warmly they tell of future comfort, tomorrows given to other pleasures, and at sunset the wealth of aching muscles that have served to surround me with gold, then to come indoors and find that on the other side of the world the Dems have taken the House and likely the Senate, that America is still the government of the people, insisting on a Democracy with an honest voice for all! A day immersed in integrity: how sweet it is!


Anonymous said...

Yes! Like that glorious oak, we are here. Oh, happy day!

Joy Des Jardins said...

Can you feel our smiles...across the miles Robert? This was a GOOD day for our America...and it still is OUR America. It's a stellar start...and one that warms our hearts almost as well as the fires from your sweet-smelling oak.

Robert Brady said...

Oh, yes indeed, we are kicking our heels over here; the non-Americans too! America is back!

Bonita said...

Yes, Americans will hold their government accountable. It was a day of very good cheer!

Anonymous said...

Here, Here! Our America! I like the thought that true americans base their lives on faith and not fear. Our democrats have a task before them; I pray they come through shining, so WE all come through shining!!

Maya's Granny said...

We are dancing with joy. Hope has returned.

Suzann said...

So long coming and so welcome. "A day immersed in integrity" - what a wonderful statement.

Robert Brady said...

A wonderful feeling, too, for so many. Thanks, Suzann.