Monday, July 09, 2007


In a post a couple of days ago concerning the fact that I had been robbed blind in the night by a wild ruminant with major horn action, aka The Baron, I was amazed that the stag had eaten all my tomato leaves, when it had been my impression that nothing ate tomato leaves, excepting perhaps a species or two of seriously misguided insects who didn't yet realize what they were eating, or were simply insane.

Then this morning I read a headline that led to an article saying that a ten-year study - already being attacked by other scientists (perhaps Monsanto-funded, judging by my scientific snide index) - alleging that organic tomatoes have much more of certain important flavonoids, specifically quercetin and kaempferol, names that do not as yet rock the world.

To the weight of that study can now be added the expert opinion of The Baron, creature of great repute and renowned connoisseur of vegetation, who relished every single leaf on my tomato plants, because of course my tomatoes are – I mean were - 100% organic.

I would have enjoyed the tomatoes, too, but royalty takes precedence in certain areas.


vegetablej said...

Seems to me all these critters know what you yourself have not yet realized: that the gods have appointed you First Gardener and Protector of The Robert Brady Preserve. Honour or responsibility or pain in the neck? Maybe all three.

Joy Des Jardins said...

Baron...shmaron. These critters are copping all your crops Bob. You are either the most benevolent being around...or were some magnificent creature in another life. Maybe a little bit of both....

Tabor said...

You are much more Zen than I. I have just lost my little hydrangia, but nothing else to our deer. I will share...but not be totally taken advantage of!