Monday, July 23, 2007


What is that word, people said it all the time before the rainy season, you know, it used to be an everyday word, common as weather.... it's right on the tip of my tongue, begins with an ‘s,’ but I just can't— o yeah, 'sunshine.' Haven't said that word since I was quite a bit younger. I saw some 'sunshine' this morning for about 20 seconds, beaming out of a small hole in the thick gray sky in that warm, delightful way 'sunshine' used to have, illuminating a couple of very surprised leaves. It was a startling apparition, if not a bit old-timey, even archaic - fragmentally reminiscent of the way the golden stuff used to beam down everywhere on some days, when clouds and rain weren't so popular - and I came to post about it here. I suppose I should keep it in my vocabulary, just in case...


Mary Lou said...

weird weather everywhere this year. It almost feels like NOVEMBER here. WIndy and rainy and foggy!

Tabor said...

And here a drought has set in along with pretty heavy gusts of wind every once in a while.

Robert Brady said...

Today is a beautiful clear warm day, as I can tell through the office blinds. Tomorrow though, I'll be home, and the forecast is rain. Cold at night, too. In late July!

Chancy said...

Finally the drought is over in Georgia and we have gotten some old fashioned rain recently of the gully washing kind.