And as to fast food, for my money there is no better fast food than the ancient but always fresh onigiri, which takes about ten seconds to make from the cooked rice that's always around in the Japanese household, and takes its shape from the hands that made it, usually those of a loving wife or grandma (self-made onigiri just don't taste as good).

The onigiri does not require any ketchup, mustard, 1000-island dressing or worcestershire, no slice of onion on top with a pickle and a bun on both sides; simplicity has its own flavor. Nor does it need a plastifoam box to keep it warm inside a bag inside another bag. Warm or cold-- it works just as well either way.
But if you do happen to grill your plain onigiri over, say, the small charcoal fire you're grilling your fish or chicken on, be sure to brush the toasting rice with a little soy sauce and turn it frequently so that it gets equally brown and crispy everywhere and becomes a yaki onigiri. Much delight will follow.
The neat thing is, the onigiri is always exactly the size of your hunger.
Aww, no photo? I have never heard nor seen sounds good tho.
Sorry about that, Chrissy; here's a nice yaki onigiri for you, should be ready to eat in a minute or so...
LOL, now that looks good, I can imagine how nutty the rice would be.. that pic definitely helps...
You're so right! And I do especially love yaki-onigiri!
I need to try this as we usually have left-over rice!
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