Sunday, February 26, 2006


My name is Gudo Wafu Nishijima, a Buddist Monk, who is 86 years old, and recently because of my old age, I finished my Buddhist lectures, which were held at many places for many years, and so I decided to open Dogen Sangha Blog, to express the Buddhist thought. It might be very short sentences, but I would like to continue it as far as possible almost every day."


Tabor said...

I am going to bookmark this in my endeavor to more fully understand Buddhism. Thanks.

Val said...

Many thanks for this.

Anonymous said...

Yes, many many thanks for featuring this blog. I know that when I come to visit, I will discover treasures of delightment.

Edward J. Taylor said...

I had the pleasure of briefly training with the man a fraction of samsara ago. Very bright and wacky guy who seems comfortable strolling far from the party line, ala Matthew Fox. ("No such thing as reincarnation"...Wow!) Glad to see a few "crazy clouds" are still in the concrete grey skies of institutionalized Japanese Zen.