Sunday, May 21, 2006


It is nonpareil amazing that I find myself at this age, stemmed directly from a youth far back in time to a here and now of living high on a mountainside in Japan, where elder men and women of local families come to tend the greening rice fields of spring and summer. We wave to each other, me still a kid from NY astonished.

The vastness of the daily truth is beyond invigorating...


Joy Des Jardins said...

I'm amazed right along with you. To me it's a brave, adventurous and extraordinary thing you did all those years ago Robert...and something I couldn't even fathom myself doing. It seems you made the right choice, as it has given you fodder and nurtured the poet that you are.

Robert Brady said...

Joy, you are too kind. Glad to share it with you.

Tabor said...

I feel the same way when I make it out of bed each morning to survive another day.

Robert Brady said...

The daily truth.