Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Take for example what happened this morning. I was walking through the subterranean city on my way to work when, as always on that route, I passed by the main entrance of Yodobashi Camera, the nationally renowned and humungus emporium of electronic products that towers aboveground, its familiar theme song blasting out the underground front doors as cute girls in skimpy outfits handed out sales brochures on everything from rice cookers to massage chairs, when I found myself singing the words to the Yodobashi melody, just as I used to back in grade school history class- What? Grade school? History?

Believe me, I was as surprised as you are when I found myself thinking of memory chips and plasma displays, Honest Abe and Harper's Ferry while mouthing the words that fit the tune blasting out of the speakers: “John Brown’s body lies a-moldrin' in the grave, John Brown’s body lies a-moldrin' in the grave, John Brown’s body lies a-moldrin' in the grave, how about a digital camera ”…no… that’s not how it used to go… it’ll come to me, soon as I get my history untwisted…

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