Friday, April 14, 2006


I suspect that for many reasons, from Iraq to New Orleans, and particularly given the size of the recent immigration marches, that there will be a massive and welcome turnover in the US House and Senate come November (barring Diebold). Change in Texas would be especially gratifying. Here's what you can do to help Take Back Texas.


Chancy said...

(barring Diebold). Indeed. It is a sad state of affairs when we cannot count on an honest election in the US.

Anonymous said...

Oh, don't worry. It'll be honest. All those illegals won't be able to vote (Clinton's not in the White House any more).

Robert Brady said...

Sure Leonard, we'll take your word for it.

Anonymous said...

What a perfectly cynical liberal response. This explains why nobody pays any attention to the protestations. The "Party of No" has no agenda or solutions themselves so they fall back on pessimism and protest. It's actually entertaining to see to what extent the liberals will go.

Mick Brady said...

Where's LBJ when we need him? He could sure buy that damn state back.

Robert Brady said...

Yeah, Mick, Texas sure has come up with some doozies, hasn't it.

And Leonard, that's irony (a mere figure of speech), not cynicism, the philosophy premised on selfishness. For excellent examples of cynicism in practice, see Cheney, Delay, Abramoff, Frist, et al. As to how far the liberals will go, we'll see in November.