Thursday, December 07, 2006


Ronni Bennett of Time Goes By, an early ultrafavorite blogger of mine who focuses on (among many other valued topics) one of life's objectives, the art of aging worthily, wisely and gracefully - despite the societal obstacles perversely confounding that endeavor - has posted Mick Brady of The Blog Brothers, a movingly perceptive 'review' of my brother Mick's recent blowaway post Instant Karma Nearly Got Me (first in a series) on The Blog Brothers.

Partly in thanks for the eminent Ronni's graciousness, and partly because Ronni is one of his ultrafavorites too, Mick posted an excellent bio of Ronni, When We Was Fab, on his site Dancing in Tongues. Mick and Ronni are both worthily right there at the forefront of what all is all about. Big-time kudos and fond embraces to them both.


Joy Des Jardins said...

Loved reading both Mick and Ronni's posts...they're both pretty special characters in their own right.

Anonymous said...

Why thank you, Bob. I am blushing.

As to your chocolate difficulty, I'll be Fox's U-Bet syrup (is that a pun?) mixed up in an egg cream would break through the olfactory stoppage. But it's probably no more available in Japan than here in Portland, Maine.

I hope you are well soon...

Mick Brady said...

Kudos to you, too, bro, for your kind advice and encouragement, even in the face of my wild-eyed libertarian views. It sure has come in handy, having "one of the best writers on the web" around to guide me.

Thanks also to Joy, and, as ever, to Ronni.

Robert Brady said...

Micko, my wild-eyes aren't all that different from yours; the terrain we've traveled in pursuit of our lives has perforce had different shadings, but it's all one landscape in our care... as to the talent, you were born with it, it's bigger than you, meant to be shared.