Friday, May 28, 2004


The unthinkable has happened. The superb ramen shop I drooled all over in Ramen Empire, my local greasy chopstick, my emporium of illicit cuisinal ecstasy, has inexplicably shut its tacky doors forever and there is no one hammering on those doors asking why, why, except me (figuratively speaking, since to do so literally would be unwise as I am a tall long-haired foreigner who doesn't have any alien registration on me at the moment, it's in an office in another city would a name card do, I would have to say to the police who would inevitably be called to the scene of such an unheard-of occurrence, might even make the local newspaper since everyone knows what goes on in a small town, and you know what they would think, and what my rep would be subsequently hey there's that weird foreign guy who was pounding on the doors of the ramen shop), but yeah, it's closed for lack of business. Japan is over.


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