Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Now World's Fastest Growing Religion...
And who among us, especially around lunchtime,
does not hunger for the pasta that surpasseth understanding?
Introibo ad altare pasti cum Peccorino Romano...
I've been a Pastafarian for a few months now...even bought the t-shirt. However, I'm considering starting a reform movement. There seems to be a strong sexist thread (the references to pirates/wenches) that gives me the impression that women are marginalized--not by the FSM, of course, but by Her pirate/priesthood.
There will always be wenches, just as there will always be hunks, but pastafari are way ahead of other religions in female empowerment. No chadors or covered heads in church, just a fork and spoon, like everyone else. In any case, pirates are historically beyond the noodly reach, which is the FSM's way of keeping options open. Whether female or male, you never know when you might want to become a pirate.
Pirates? I get seasick. Can I convert or is seasickness a sin?
You can pirate anywhere the eyepatch finds you...
is a seasick parrot an option? I would love to have one cussing in my ear....what's wrong with pirates and wenches? I think we need more.....and I can tell you right now if I was on a lovely priate ship bound for far-away islands and indigo seas, I am not cooking worthless wench that I am....there will be cold noodles, and island fruit....( When did pasta become huge? I thought it was just a lazy trend at our house....)
Wenches... far-away islands... indigo seas... Piracy calls!
Ahoy Matey..yar far away islands swabbing of the swarthy decks....and there is no mutiny, only much grumbling when the rum runs low....and finally a place for this worthless wench to fail miserably at all domestic duties....sigh...a place on the sea....
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